Awake or … not quite?


Have you ever found it so hard to wake up?

I’m not a natural “morning person”… I do late nights much better! It’s when I think and become creative often!

So sometimes,  it really is a hard thing to wake up… I mean, not just open my eyes and get out of bed, although that’s hard enough, I mean really WAKE UP, be alert and focussed.

I so admire those people who, on waking, can be on the ball and ready for the day, filled with fun and optimism and, if I’m honest, a pain in the neck for the grumpy grouches of the morning!

Oh, I’m not usually grumpy in the morning… just not always really alert!! Continue reading

Are You Due an Eye Test?


I went for an eye test today … usual stuff – how  far down the chart can you see – without lenses, with lenses, then the light in my eyes to check my retina, look up, look down, left, right.

I’ve had itchy eyes for a wee while and wondered if it was my contacts, or what?… turns out I’m probably allergic to some seasonal thing in the air – few  eye drops and ease off on how long I wear the contacts for each day – and it’s sorted.

As usual I pondered … on eye tests!

How we need them regularly… eyes change as you get older, lenses or glasses need to be tweeked and the amazing way the optical specialist is able to know how healthy you are by looking at your retina!  Amazing! Continue reading

Timing is Everything!


It’s good to know the time!

I took my youngest son to the train station today to return to London… we set out in plently time but encountered police speed cameras along the road … needless to say everything toddled along at 40mph! … We made it in time … just!

He leapt out of the car and ran to the train which was waiting on the platform while I waited outside to see that he had  actually got on before it left! I got a text from him saying “made it 🙂 !”

Important to make it on time or it would have meant a long wait for the next train and a “nothing time” at a cold draughty station!

Isn’t life like that – a rush to make it here, a long wait – because the last one had “just gone”
Continue reading

Cheese… and More Change!

Mouse in cheese

A few years ago, I read an amazing little book called “Who Moved My Cheese”*… I found it to be very helpful as we navigated some pretty big changes in our life, work and even family environment!

I have recently come upon it again and found it to be relevant, yet again, whether the changes are huge, or relatively small!

My (relatively) small change has been the death of my dear laptop! It was an amazing friend and resource to me and I found I had become very dependent on it… more than I really cared to admit. SO for the last 6-8 weeks I have had to do without the stores of files I had on it… note, contacts, thoughts, blogs etc!! – I realised, too how much I used the on-line Bible too!  My very gracious husband has let me use his laptop (which he uses way more than I used mine, I have to say!)…when I could get my hands on it! He valiantly tried to repair my old friend but after hours and hours (weeks?!) of trying he gave in and decided I had to have a new one!

It arrived two days ago and I am back in action… re-blogging, re-connecting and re-writing!

But  you know, I had to change… adapt to a new Continue reading

My Family, and other animals!

Hand glowing

“Sometimes our hearts get tangled
And our souls a little off-kilter
Friends and family can set us right
And help guide us back to the light.”

Just some very simple, but grateful thoughts about my family:

They are home! well two of them came last night, another will come with two friends tomorrow, for the weekend! I think another will come on Monday for a few days and later in the month another of my sons will return from a year of travels in Australia and New York!

I love it when family come back to touch base!

They don’t need to do anything, or even have a reason to come… they just know they’re welcome home – anytime… it’s never a bother or too much Continue reading



Over the past few days I have had people ask me questions about a variety of “life issue” topics, ranging from some of the biggies , “Why doesn’t God do something?”, to “What colour is Heaven?”

Some I have been able to answer satisfactorily for the questioner and maybe give them book suggestions or internet sources to help with their queries. But to other questions … I have to say sometimes – “I don’t know!” Because I don’t!

For some, they seem content that my faith in God stands intact and growing; despite the fact that I don’t know and they have gone away knowing that it is not a competition between “faith” and knowledge, or “proof”.

I wonder why we have to know everything, or have answers to those timeless questions, that if we are honest, only God knows!

Don’t get me wrong –I think we should ask questions, wonder why and Continue reading

Beating the Blues… making it through depressing times!

Sad puppy

Feeling low?

I woke up this morning with a very heavy “Monday morning” feeling! Well it was Monday… but the sun was shining, I had the day off (I thought) and I’d slept longer … perfect you might think! But I also woke up with the most intense feeling of “Oh no! Not another week! How am I going to be content and strong and filled with faith this week?!”

Ever been there?

Some of you have I know – others maybe aren’t hit with these feelings as much – or ever… but bear with me … because I hate these feelings… when everything should be great but the heaviness just isn’t that easy to shake off!

It’s Monday evening now and I survived the day! Haha! But there’s another one tomorrow!

What did I do? – stay in a sad state? Do lots of work? Try and forget ?

Well I tried all of that and, nope, I didn’t feel loads better… maybe a wee bit but Continue reading

Hearing God speak? or not?


Today I was travelling home from another city, pondering on something someone said to me … “I can’t hear God speaking – it’s all just a blurr. Why’s that?”

Now I can’t be specific as to why that person in particular finds it difficult to discern God’s “speaking”, but it got me pondering!

While I was pondering I changed radio stations to listen to our local Christian Community radio station. Unfortunately I was out of range and all I got was a much of sound and static crackles! It crossed my mind that if I just kept driving sooner or later I would come into range and would hear my husband’s voice on the radio show he was hosting! I checked that I was actually tuned into the correct frequency and waited to hear … as I drove home!

Sure enough – as I came into range, after about 6-7 minutes of crackling nothing I heard splutters , then a vague sound that might have been my husband’s voice, then very quickly could hear his voice and the music he was playing!

It’s maybe not THE answer, but one of them… that when we can’t ‘hear’ God speaking to us – we could be out of range!. Continue reading