Ever felt like you’ve not got very far?
Ever felt like the journey is v-e-r-y l-o-n-g?… and that the end is further away than the beginning?
Ever felt like the encouragement to press in and aim high is more than you can handle … today?
It’s called discouragement!… and for some it’s a familiar companion, that we’d love to lose down a deep hole!!
Many journeys we take have a limited length. My husband and I often drive from our home to London to visit our children there. The Sat. Nav. usually gives us an estimated time of arrival… about six hours after we set off, but invariably it takes us nearer eight! I don’t enjoy that extended journey –especially when I know the train only takes just over three hours! But I can put up with it because it is limited and the end result, seeing our family, is very worth it! But there are journeys in life that seem to be forever journeys and the destination is a little bit undetermined as to its eventuality!
When our 5 children were little and we did road trips that lasted hours, sometimes a day or so, I used to plan treat bags for them. Two bags, one for Continue reading