Really Seeing!

Where's Wally?


What do we see? I mean what, when we look at a picture, a view, a movie, do we really see?

I was chatting to a precious, older lady, today, who was telling me about something she once taught her class, many years ago. She was showing them a beautiful garden picture with many shrubs, trees and pretty flowers in it , and asked her class what they could see… as expected the children pointed out the colours of the flowers, the trees an occasional bird, the clouds… everything that she expected them to see. Only one or two, though, took time to “see” into the picture and find the butterflies and snails that were camouflaged in the flowers!

I was reminded of the “Where’s Wally” books that my children poured over when they were younger – looking to see if they could spot the elusive “Wally”. How hard it was to see the real Wally when there were so many stripes to distract you from the unmistakable (or was it?) Wally-hat!

It took time, and patience, to filter through, stand and wait and keep looking, keep on keeping on … until he was found. Continue reading

Guard your Heart

Love hand

Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Guard your heart – important – very important… guard your reactions, your thoughts, your feelings about regular stuff.

Why? – because out of your heart come reactions to “Life issues”.

How do you react to criticism, rejection, misunderstanding, fear, loneliness? How do you stay faithful, make right choices, speak good, helpful words, encourage , serve, go the extra mile – or 6?!
How we care for our heart and guard it, nourish it, watch over it will determine how healthy it is and what the outcomes of our life are!

On a natural level – we are encouraged to look after our heart, keep fit , healthy and eat the right foods, not just one day, occasionally, but always !

What you eat and how you exercise is crucial to being fit and healthy….is our soul any different? – and here the Bible teaches us to watch over our heart!

It’s a very positive thing, guarding your heart! Whereas when we guard our Continue reading